Project Description:
Transition Bro Gwaun (TBG) aims to realise the first community owned/led tidal flow project in Wales. The proposal would consist of a single device or a small array of tidal turbines deployed at Strumble Head near Fishguard. This supports TBG’s aims to mitigate the community’s impact on Climate Change providing sustainable and secure energy, whilst also bringing financial benefits for both local investors and community initiatives.
Project Outcomes:
The project identified that there is no community-focused marine energy network and this may be worth developing as it is likely that more community groups will embrace this technology in time. The project contacted relevant organisations in this field to establish interest in a network and refreshed it’s links with MEW, CEW and CEP. Attending the CEW AGM in January was a good place to meet others involved in energy projects, although no other marine projects.
The pilot project is unique in terms of its aims and objectives, it proved a successful trial period and specific activities within the remit of tidal energy were undertaken – a Storage and local grid system was developed and is now a separate project. As a direct result of this study, Transition Bro Gwaun are developing a business plan with consultants Egnida for submission to Welsh Government.
Lessons Learned:
Transition Bro Gwaun were overwhelmed by the interest and attendance at their planned events, as well as the other events and activities that were organised.
“This event showed how community groups like TBG can really engage people in transitioning to a sustainable future”. Rob Proctor, Community Energy Wales.